I'm passionate about art, journaling, and personal growth.
Hello lovely. I’m Tiffany Julia. I’m an artist from New York City with an absolute passion for documenting my everyday life. I believe that deep inside, we all have a beautiful story to tell. The ordinary is extraordinary and the impossible can truly be possible. There is magic in art and words, and together they can create something truly remarkable.

Hi there, I'm Tiffany Julia and this is my story.
I’ve always had an artist’s heart. Ever since I can remember, I always saw all sides to a story—the one that’s told, the one that’s omitted, and the one you find when you read between the lines. I believe that life isn’t binary—there is no black & white—but an entire spectrum of color that we all live in. Each and every one of us live in technicolor, and we each have a beautifully painted story to tell.
In late September 2012, I lost my dad. Fresh out of college, I had the whole world waiting for me, yet my world stalled. I met Grief that season and hand in hand, we began a very long journey of trying to find myself and my purpose when it seemed like a huge part of my world was taken away from me right when I finally had the chance to really begin to live. It has been a very long process—one that seems to act as a thread tying together everything that I experience—but through it all, I’ve found the little hidden gems of beauty within my life.
In January 2013, I started a blog called aerialovely. It began as an exploration of love and soon bloomed into a place where I shared my growing passion for all of these new discoveries: art journaling, memory keeping, photography, and travel. I began to document my creative journey here—an exploration of the things that I had begun to love—and quickly enough that opened the door to working with a handful of creative companies and brands. Over the past ten years, I’ve had wonderful opportunities to travel the world and to collaborate with various artists and brands to create projects, courses, and tutorials. My heart finally felt whole.
As the world stalled for everyone in 2020, I took the opportunity to assess my life and begin to work towards a few goals that I knew would get me to where I wanted to be in life. Through the mess and chaos of that period, I met a wonderful human being that I seriously thought wanted to create a bright future with me and I fell in love. As life would have it that didn’t end up being the case and my heart was absolutely shattered.
After a year together, he left without telling me he was leaving and that broke my heart. I spent the following months trying to get some answers so I could make sense of what had happened because it was such a sudden and unconventional way to end a year-long relationship. I couldn’t understand how someone who claimed to care about me could just leave without communicating that he was leaving. I was made promises and was ultimately left in silence for months. I felt abandoned.
It was a huge emotional rollercoaster of a process for me. So much of what I thought I dealt with from my past came up again and I began to unravel so many things I still need to heal from. I feel I’m in a weird place now. I don’t feel broken but I don’t feel whole. A lot of things came up for me through all of that and I feel I somehow lost myself in the sadness and grief. I know I’m not the same person I was before and it makes me sad. I feel like I need a fresh start and for a while, I didn’t know how to do that. So I decided to start here.
For most of 2022, I abandoned my passion for art, memory keeping, and journaling and just sunk into my grief. So I figured what better way to help me heal my heart than to return to those things that fill it with so much joy?
So ten years later, I’m coming full circle. Here I am once again healing from grief. I wanted to start this new space to document my healing process through art, journaling, and storytelling. I hope to share my personal unraveling experience and connect with those going through similar journeys, so we can walk side-by-side in this creative mess called life.
By sharing my gentle unfurling I hope to find myself again and grow into the woman I always wanted to be, creating the life I know I deserve.
a gentle unfurling
a gentle unfurling is about slowing down, being mindful, intentional, and authentic. It’s about unraveling in the best way possible, baring the soul to expose the true self, giving yourself grace when you need to, and space to be spread open.
For me, unfurling is the gentle act of exploring the self and becoming undone. It is a long-term process of inner excavation for self-exploration and personal growth. We are never done unfurling. The more we look deeper into ourselves, the more that is revealed to us.
a gentle unfurling was gifted to me by a dear friend, who uttered these words some time ago in response to a few intentions I had set for myself. She took what I had said and paraphrased, “it’s like a gentle unfurling,” and that phrase has stuck with me ever since.

Let us experience this one wild and precious life together.
Join me and let’s be creatives together as we explore our world, discover ourselves, and tell our stories.

Follow along with my travels ...
Current Location
New York, NY
Where I’ve Been
Tokyo, Japan
Brussels, Belgium
Paris, France