After spending the month of June 2016 in Italy, I decided to fly to Spain for two weeks. First, I revisited my favorite city in the world, Barcelona, for a week. Then I went on to Madrid, a city I had never been to before. My Fujifilm Mini Instax 8 camera came with me on this particular trip, which gave me the opportunity to take a few polaroids of my travels. Continuing my series of polaroids from each city I went to, here are polaroids of my time in Barcelona and Madrid.
I love Barcelona. I kind of wish I brought more film packs with me to take more polaroids of this beautiful city. I’m still in the process of learning this polaroid camera. So even though I took more photos, a lot of them came out dark. The dark ones I ended up tossing. Unfortunately, I also got sick with a head cold my week here. So there was at least one day that I did absolutely nothing. Still, I think I managed to get some decent shots.

Madrid was one of those cities that for some reason I spent the majority of my time walking but not taking photographs. It’s that weird dichotomy of taking everything in without distractions–living in the moment and feeling it–or documenting everything all the time and never really taking anything in. I did get a few more polaroid shots, but even though I kept them, I didn’t bother scanning them since they were so dark.